A message from the President
Sep 17, 2020Welcome to The Ohio State Alumni Club of Butler County
We are having our first Board Meeting and Networking Event for the 2020-21 season on September 9, 2020 at 6pm. Join us to find out what upcoming events that we have planned. Get to know who we are and what we plan to do to keep our Buckeye Spirit alive. All Alumni and Fans of OSU are invited.
Introduction of Officers 2020-21
President Cheryl Long
Co-VP’s Marvin Stotz and David Beeman
Co -Secretary’s Fran Elleman and Karen Stotz
Treasurer Bob Poe
Co-Scholarship Chairs Monica and Marla Marsh
Special Events Coordinator Gene Elleman
Legal Counsel George Jonson
Upcoming events
October 14 6-7:30m Networking and Special Program on Diversity
November 11 6-7:30 pm Networking and Special Program TBA
December 9 Christmas Party – TBA
Become a member by sending in $15 individual or $20 per couple to:
Bob Poe
865 Grandstone Ct
Lebanon, Oh 45036
Make your check payable to Ohio State Alumni Club of Butler County.
Include your Name, Address, Phone Number, Email Address, Year of Graduation.
Your membership will ensure that you are updated on all the virtual board meetings, networking events, and special programs on various topics. We will contact you once we are able to meet for game watch parties, away football bus trips, men’s and women’s basketball games, spring football games, our annual scholarship banquet plus volunteer activities and charitable events.
Hope to see and hear from you soon,