President’s Message April
Apr 5, 2023April 2023
April 12 Monthly meeting at Bourbon Kitchen at 6 p.m.
The Scholarship Committee headed by Monica and Marla Marsh have concluded the prescreening and phone interview process for our annual scholarships. The winners will be announced later this spring.
We will be volunteering at Matthew 25 Ministries in Blue Ash on Saturday, April 22 from 9-11 a.m. A complimentary lunch will follow at Aladdin’s. Follow the email link to sign up and indicate your T’shirt size for your Buckeye Volunteer shirt. RSVP by April 8.
We have scheduled a wine tasting event on Thursday, May 25 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Spicy Olive in West Chester. Melanie Cedargren, owner, leads a discussion of the Power and Beauty of Olive Oils and Balsamic Vinegars and Nicholas Gantenberg, wine director, leads a Wine Tour of the World. The wine tasting will feature four wines. Cheese and crackers will be provided and you will have a chance to enter a raffle for a Wine Basket. Seating is limited so watch for details to sign up.
Our NEW Volunteers have done a tremendous job this year. They are as follows:
- Dave Stone – Annual Away Bus Trip (Wisconsin, Rutgers or Indiana)
- Georgette Wilson – Mission/Outreach
- Betsy Grimes – Networking
- Dave Banker, Marvin & Karen Stotz, Marla & Monica Marsh – Annual Summer Picnic
- Steve Hannon – Fundraiser Opportunities
- Tanya Copanas – Communication with OSU/Website/Facebook
- Kevin Strait – OSU Campus Walking/Bus Tours
- Dave & Sandra Pierce – Watch Parties at their home
- Monica & Marla Marsh, Joan Grigger, Kris Henninger, Sarah Cunningham, Georgette Wilson and Tom O’Connor – Scholarship Committee
We really need additional help to promote and expand our club’s goals and outreach to all local alumni and fans. We urge you to step forward with ideas and a bunch of Buckeye spirit and lend us a helping hand.
Areas of need include: Sports Committee to organize fall/winter events, Football Game watches in addition to the Pierce’s home, Home Football game, Men’s and/or Women’s Basketball Game, Cultural Events, Lifetime Learning, Diversity, Health & Wellness, Alumni Scholarship Banquet, Christmas party, Charity Bike Ride or 5K Walk, find location for monthly meetings, etc.
May 10 is our monthly meeting. It will be at Bourbon Kitchen 2231 N. Verity Parkway Middletown at 6pm. We will be electing officers and Committee Chairs for 2023-24 with the fiscal year beginning July 1.
We have several positions and Co-positions that are in need. Our biggest need is for someone to automate our dues/membership/treasurer position. This would help simplify our Monthly Newsletter through Mailchimp and the documents we submit to OSU. Let us know if this is an area where you could serve our club.
SAVE the DATE: July 16 – our annual summer picnic at Warren County Armco Park Shelter 9.
New Members are welcome. Individuals $15 & Couples $20 per year. Make your check payable to OSU Butler Co. Alumni Club, mail to Bob Poe 865 Grandstone Ct Lebanon, Oh 45036. Complete application within this newsletter.
Donate: Butler County Alumni Endowment. Payable to The OSU Foundation with our endowment # 645425 in the memo section. Mail to The OSU Foundation Lockbox PO Box 710811 Columbus, Oh 43271-0811. We receive the interest from our endowment each year to fund three Butler Co. Alumni Club scholarships.